Collaboration policy.This is extremely important so everybody pay attention. If you are asleep now wake up. Like that's going to wake anybody up, right?
The goal of homework, Professor Demaine and my philosophy is that the goal of hemework is to help you learn the material. And one way of helping to learn is not to just be stuck and unable to solve something, because then you're in no better shape when the exam roles around, which is where we're actually evaluating you. So, you're encouraged to collaborate.
But there are some commonsense things about collaboration. If you go and you collaborate to the extent that all you're doing is getting the information from somebody else, you're not learning the material and you're not going to do well on the exams. In our experience, students who collaborate generally do better than students who works alone. But you owe it to yourself, if you're going to work in a study group, to be prepared for your study group meeting. And specifically you should spend a half an hour to 45 minutes on each problem before you go to group so you're up to speed and you've tried out your ideas. And you may have solutions to some, you may be stuck on some other ones, but at least you applied yourself to it. After 30 to 45 minutes, if you cannot get the problem, just sitting there and banging your head against it makes no sense. It's not a productive use of your time. And I know most fo you have issues with having time on your hands, right? So, don;t go banging your head against problems that are too hard or where you don't understand what's going on or whatever. That's when the study group can help out. And, as I mentioned, we'll have homework labs which will give you an opportunity to go and do that and coordinate with other students rather than necessarily having to form your own group. And the TAs will be there. If your group is unable to solve the problem, then talk to other groups or ask your recitation instructor. And, that's how you go about solving them.
Writing up the problem sets, however, is your individual responsibility and should be done alone. You don't write up your problem solutions with other students, you write up on your own. And you should on your problem sets, because this is an academic place, we understand that the source of academic information is very important, if you collaborated on solutions you should write a list of the collaborators. Say I worked with so an so on this solution. It does not afect your grade. It's just a question of being scholarly. it is a violation of this policy to submit a problem solution that you cannot orally explain to a member of the course staff. You say oh, well, my wrte-up is similar to that other person's, I didn't copy them. We may ask you to orally explain your solution. If you are unable, according to this policy, the presumptions is that you cheated. So do not write up stuff that you don't understand. You should be able to write up the stuff that you understand. Understand why you're putting down what you're putting down. If it's not obvious, no collaboration whatsoever is permitted in exams...
私钥密码系统又分为分组密码(block cipher)和流密码(stream cipher)。两者的区别,形象来说,
for i from 0 to 255 S[i] := i endfor j := 0 for i from 0 to 255 j := (j + S[i] + key[i mod keylength]) mod 256 swap values of S[i] and S[j] endfor第二步利用上面重新排列的数组 S 来产生任意长度的密钥流,算法为
i := 0 j := 0 while GeneratingOutput: i := (i + 1) mod 256 j := (j + S[i]) mod 256 swap values of S[i] and S[j] K := S[(S[i] + S[j]) mod 256] output K endwhileoutput K 一次产生一字符长度(8bit)的密钥流数据,
MJB Robshaw - 1995 Stream Ciphers
hello, world
Hi,我是一名本科大三学生(2011),就读于中山大学数学与应用数学专业,大学前基本上没碰过电脑,大一时学了c和c++,仍然对电脑有陌生和恐惧感,当我大二时装上了ubuntu linux之后,慢慢对电脑感兴趣了,而后花很多时间在互联网上,觉得互联网真是太伟大了,由衷的钦佩和感激为丰富互联网内容保持互联网运作而默默贡献的程序员们。分享的理念深入了我的内心,希望自己能做一些有意义的事情,就想建个博客。
我是在ctex论坛上知道这个博客系统,进来之后被它的简洁和理念所吸引,果断开了这个博客(这算是第一个了),想起了一则笑话:一个程序员退休之后决 定 学习书法,买来上好的湖笔、宣纸、墨汁,饱蘸浓墨,在纸上一气呵成:hello, world. 我现在还不是程序员,但希望做个优秀的快乐的程序员哈哈。希望能向大家多多学习:)